Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Review: Marineland PA0100 Filter Pad, 312-Square-Inch, Bonded



  • 312 Square Inches
  • Cut To Fit

The Good:

  • Long Lasting
  • Cheaper Than Filter Cartridges
  • One Package Will Fill Two Large HOB Filters 
  • Catches The Majority of Debris

The Bad:

  • Fish Will Get Caught In It If They Swim Into Your Filter




This should be a staple of everyone's filter media.  It is really cheap and seems to last forever. My last pack of it only cost me $4.28 on Amazon. I still have some of original stuff I bought over a year and a half ago. One pack is enough to fill two HOB filters. There seems to be plenty of room for bacteria to grow and it is really good at catching debris from going back into the tank. Cleaning is a breeze. Just squeeze it in a bucket of old tank water. I would suggest rinsing every time you do a water change, but every other time would be fine. Just make sure you DON'T wash it in tap water because you will kill all your good bacteria! I'll definitely be buying this again when it actually needs replaced.

Should You Buy It?


Definitely give it a shot if your filter media is in need of replacement or even if you are setting up for the first time.

Buy At Amazon

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