Saturday, April 12, 2014

Review: Lee's Three-Way Breeder


  • Grate Allows You To Isolate Eggs & Fry
  • Divider Allows Seperate Two Fish
  • Floats
  • Slots To Let Air In

The Good:

  • Can Isolate Injured Or Aggressive Fish Without A Hospital Tank
  • Fry & Eggs Will Be Safe Under the Bottom Grid
  • Can Hold Two Smaller Fish Simultaneously

The Bad:

  • Can't Safely Hold Larger Fish
  • You Need To Separately Feed The Fish In It
  • Slots On The Sides Can Let Fry Out



I originally bought the Three-Way Breeder to separate a pregnant Platy from the rest of my fish, but I ended up just letting her have her babies in the open tank. Most of them survived just fine in my tank. I can't tell you from experience that this works for isolating babies, but it does look like it would work. The protection grid fits perfectly at the bottom and the slots should be just the right size for babies to go through. Just make sure you move the pregnant fish once she has done her business.

I put this away for a few months and didn't bother with it until I had a fighting issue with my Mollies. A male Molly had decided to terrorize the whole tank and wouldn't give anyone a rest. I decided to put the breeder in the tank to isolate the jerk. He tried to ram the sides a few times but gave up when he figured out there was no escape. After a week in 'jail', he had calmed down. He was very happy when I put him back with the other fish. I haven't had any more troubles with that Molly so far.

The Three-Way Breeder also works well on injured fish. One of my White Clouds had been beaten up by someone and really needed a break. I put them in the breeder for two weeks with a dose of Melafix in the tank. They ended up healing up really well and are still kicking today. You could easily fit two neon tetra or white cloud size fish in it, but I wouldn't put in anything bigger.


Should You Buy It?


If you are expecting fry and have a hungry gang then this is a good option. It is also worth it if you don't have the room to set up a hospital tank.


Buy On Amazon

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