Sunday, April 13, 2014

Review: Meijer Frozen Green Peas





Characteristics: 5mm - 9mm, fast sinking


The Good:

  • Helps Clear Out Digestive Systems
  • Extremely Cheap
  • Only Ingredient Is Peas

The Bad:

  • Only A Diet Supplement
  • Terrible Smell When Boiled




Yes these are the plain old peas that you buy in the frozen food aisle. They are an amazing addition to almost every fish's diet. I bought a bag of them when my parents were having a bloat problem with their goldfish. The goldfish happily gobbled them down and now get their weekly dose of peas. I love the fact that they are only 88 cents a bag on sale.

The peas are very easy to prepare for your fish. First pour the needed amount of peas into a clean uncontaminated container that is microwave safe. When I say uncontaminated I mean one that soap or other chemicals have never touched. Fill tap water slighly above peas and microwave for one minute. Let them sit for another minute before draining. Add some cool tap water to peas and drain until cooled. Pop the peas out of their shells and then feed to your fish.

Make sure you don't drop any shells into the tank because your fish could choke on them. The peas are safe to keep in the tank for a few hours if not consumed. Don't worry about the tap water from boiling. Make sure to avoid peas with salt listed in the ingredents. Mashed peas also make a great food for fry.

Should You Buy It?

Buy these to add something fresh to your fish's diet and to keep them regular.

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